Mathers, Jerry, Sgt

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1966-1969, Air Force Reserve Command
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1966 - 1969

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  1966-1969, Air Force Reserve Command
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- / 1966
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- / 1969
Air Force Reserve Command Unit Page
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 Air Force Reserve Command Details

Air Force Reserve Command
The Air Force Reserve Command is a Major Command of the United States Air Force, with its headquarters stationed at Robins Air Force Base, Georgia. It is the federally controlled Air Reserve Component of the U.S. Air Force, consisting of duly appointed commissioned officers and enlisted airmen.
AFRC supports the Air Force mission to defend the United States through the control and exploitation of air and space by supporting Global Engagement. AFRC also plays an integral role in the day-to-day Air Force mission and is not strictly a force held in reserve for possible war or contingency operations.

The federal reserve component of the United States Air Force, AFRC has approximately 450 aircraft assigned for which it has sole control. as well as access to several hundred additional active duty USAF aircraft via AFRC "Associate" wings that are collocated with active duty Air Force wings, sharing access to those aircraft.. The inventory includes the latest, most capable models of aircraft that are also assigned to the active-duty U.S. Air Force. On any given day, 99 percent of AFRC's aircraft are mission-ready and able to deploy within 72 hours.

The purpose of the Air Force Reserve as derived from Title 10 United States Code is to:
Provide combat-ready units and individuals for active duty whenever there are not enough trained units and people in the Regular component of the Air Force to perform any national security mission.

HQ/ Command Element
Parent Unit
Major Commands
Created/Owned By
Not Specified

Last Updated: Aug 30, 2018
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111 Members Also There at Same Time
Air Force Reserve Command

Baird, Frank Edward, Maj, (1942-1972) [Other Service Rank]
Bennett, Thomas Waring, Maj, (1962-1972) 00 [Other Service Rank]
Brand, Joseph William, Col, (1943-1966) [Other Service Rank]
Copack, Joseph Bernard, Capt, (1969-1972) [Other Service Rank]
Davis, Horace Miller, Lt Col, (1957-1985) [Other Service Rank]
Foster, Franklin George, Maj, (1941-1981) [Other Service Rank]
Gardner, Joseph Mather, Col, (1942-1972) [Other Service Rank]
Godfrey, DeWayne D., TSgt, (1943-1974) [Other Service Rank]
Holloman, William Hugo, Lt Col, (1943-1972) [Other Service Rank]
Melton, William Peter, CMSgt, (1951-1994) [Other Service Rank]
Nirmaier, Mary Louise Burch, Capt, (1944-1967) [Other Service Rank]
Showman, John David, SSgt, (1956-1971) [Other Service Rank]
Starks, John E., Maj, (1952-1972) [Other Service Rank]
Watkins, Robert William, Maj, (1942-1967) [Other Service Rank]
Wellons, Phillip Rogerson, Maj, (1950-1970) [Other Service Rank]
Zaitz, Ronald L., 1st Lt, (1953-1966) [Other Service Rank]
Zaniewski, Felix J., Brig Gen, (1942-1979) [Other Service Rank]
Tate, Robert, 1stSgt, (1949-1968) 100 10090 First and Master Sergeant
Abbey, Richard Sargent, Maj Gen, (1935-1971) 200 2 Major General
Alison, John Richardson, Maj Gen, (1935-1972) 200 2 Major General
Cannon, Howard Walter, Maj Gen, (1940-1970) 66 00066 Major General
Goldwater, Barry Morris, Maj Gen, (1930-1969) Major General
Graham, Wallace Harry, Maj Gen, (1936-1970) 941 Major General
Henebry, John Philip, Maj Gen, (1940-1976) Major General
Sweeney, Charles W., Maj Gen, (1941-1979) 200 2 Major General
Abbott, Woodrow Acton, Brig Gen, (1942-1974) Brigadier General
Friedberg, Elmer Sanders, Brig Gen, (1941-1970) Brigadier General
Howard, James Howell, Brig Gen, (1937-1966) 200 2 Brigadier General
Riess, Louis Charles, Brig Gen, (1943-1982) 66 00066 Brigadier General
Adams, Burnell William, Col, (1941-1969) Colonel
Cochran, Jacqueline, Col, (1942-1970) Colonel
Cohen, Sydney M., Col, (1942-1980) Colonel
Grubaugh, Neal, Col, (1942-1982) Colonel
Heller, William Charles, Col, (1943-1980) 11 Colonel
Teiber, Joseph, Col, (1964-1999) 703 7031 Colonel
Callaway, Raymond Leonard, Lt Col, (1941-1967) 102 1021A Lieutenant Colonel
Christensen, Fred Joseph, Lt Col, (1942-1981) Lieutenant Colonel
Gladen, Cyrus Raymond, Lt Col, (1940-1968) 11 Lieutenant Colonel
Hite, Robert Lowell, Lt Col, (1940-1969) Lieutenant Colonel
Horne, Francis Willard, Lt Col, (1942-1971) 102 1021A Lieutenant Colonel
Jolley, Clifford Dale, Lt Col, (1941-1966) Lieutenant Colonel
Linton, James Harvey, Lt Col, (1943-1973) 11 Lieutenant Colonel
Muse, Charles Amacie, Lt Col, (1943-1975) 152 1525A Lieutenant Colonel
Schuh, Duerr H., Lt Col, (1942-1968) Lieutenant Colonel
Shaw, Donald Edwin, Lt Col, (1943-1984) 11 Lieutenant Colonel
Shivers, Clarence Laudric, Lt Col, (1943-1969) Lieutenant Colonel
Stanborough, Zachariah T., Lt Col, (1942-1975) Lieutenant Colonel
Arand, Robert G., Maj, (1941-1983) 102 1021A Major
Evans, Robert E., Lt Col, (1961-1971) 935 9356 Major
Guyer, Lawrence, Maj, (1969-1992) 702 7024 Major
Jones, Donald Pickren, Maj, (1942-1980) Major
McDonald, William Earl, Maj, (1951-1967) Major
Parker, James Monroe, Maj, (1940-1974) 102 1021A Major
Perdomo, Oscar Francis, Maj, (1942-1970) 102 1021A Major
Daly, Adele E., Capt, (1942-1973) 976 9761 Captain
McKinley, William, Capt, (1944-1966) Captain
Andrews, George Robert, Capt, (1964-1969) 01 Second Lieutenant
Condit, Douglas Craig, Maj, (1964-1967) Second Lieutenant
Engelmeier, Robert, Col, (1967-1995) Second Lieutenant
Cook, Donald, CMSgt, (1966-1992) 271 27190 Chief Master Sergeant

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